Evolution and Importance of Advertisement

Source: https://ieltsonlinetests.com/writing-recent-actual-tests/recent-exam-ielts-writing-task-2-advertising

Advertising is a way to share something with the individuals about a particular product, service, brand or idea. Advertising assists in conveying the message to the target audience and spreading awareness about a particular product or service in the world. It is a paid form of communication in which sponsors have to pay for promoting their product in the market. Wide variety of media sources are used for this purpose namely social media, television, radio, Youtube etcetera. Advertisement plays a crucial role in developing the desire for any product and influencing them to buy it.

How does the advertising industry gets evolved?

Source: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/digital-marketing-vs-traditional-marketing.jpg

Development in the sector of technology leads to the advancement in the advertising world. It comes after the development of printing media. At that time, ads were for books; marriage offers and ads of travel. Later, when the radio was invented it also becomes a medium of advertisement. Then advertisers started promoting through cinemas. After cinema, television conquer the world. It became the strongest and effective medium to inform, connect and communicate with potential customers. Through digital media advertising, it became very easy to connect with the people in a large abundance. At that time advertising agencies were also flourishing. After that, the You tube advertising phase came into existence. Modern advertising began to take place with the advent of social media. Currently, social media became the most powerful medium of advertising including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Through this medium advertiser can promote their product, service or idea at free of cost while for other mediums such as newspaper, magazine, television, and radio charges have to be paid.

Importance of Advertising Industry in the Business World

Source: https://www.agendapromotions.com/

Priority of every business is to bring in more and more customers and advertisements assists them in doing this. In current times, advertisement is very much important for the sale of any product or service. The higher will be the promotions of any product or service the more will be its sales. The performance of products or services of any brand or company in the market depends hugely on the promotions.

Importance of advertisements are given below:

  • Cost-effective medium to communicate to a large audience
  • Create brand Image
  • Creating awareness and promoting products or services among the potential audience
  • Developing interest in people for buying it
  • Increment in sales
  • Informing people about features, use, and benefits of products or services
  • Educate society
  • Contribution to economy 
  • Generate employment opportunities
  • Competitive advantage
  • Increasing revenues

Why popularity of advertising field as career option is increasing continuously?

In this ever-advanced world, a lot of scopes can be seen in the field of advertisement. That is why today students are considering it as a secure career option. After reaching this level of advancement in the advertisement field, it offers a wide variety of career options in this field. That is why today the percentage of students showing their interest in marketing courses for further education after their school education increased a lot.

It is not just a career option but while doing its courses students inculcate a lot of skills in themselves.  There are so many colleges and universities who are working to develop various skills among their students including writing skills, Avid reader, Powerful observation skills, and creativity. Because the advertisement is a demanding field, they need out of box thinkers and creative ideas and visuals for their ads. Exposure to the world media and music can help a lot in developing skills among the students so that they can generate innovative ideas and create appealing advertisements.

It offers a wide variety of career options for the achievement of success which are given below:

Career options

  • Copywriters
  • Media planners
  • Graphic Artists
  • Media researchers
  • Photographers

They all work for creating an apt and entertaining advertisement for the audience so that people can easily connect with the offered product or services. Highly skilled employees of advertising agencies can make it possible. For creating an ad various skilled employee are required namely director, copywriter, editor, photographer, graphic artists, graphic designers, web designer, production artist, management team and media planner etcetera.

Future of advertising World

Advertising industry is continuously evolvi this will definitely lead it towards perfection in future. The future of advertising will be bright because technology is continuously flourishing which will lead to more effective and quality advertisements in the future. In the upcoming years, there will be more job opportunities in this field and it will be more curated and customized and will help in building more effective relationships with potential customers. It can also be expected that it will be more measurable and targetable in the future. Most of the advertisements will be done digitally in the future which means that it will be more self-selected. The content of the ad will be more entertaining and valuable. Individuals might have control over the advertisements in the future, what they want to see and how they would like to see it. It might also result in increasing global competition. Development in advertising will result in strengthening the economy of the country. Advertising not only plays a vital role in uplifting the brand or its image in the market but it also contributes to the economy of the country. It helps in making a nation more evolved and aware of the product and services available in the market so that people can the advantage of it.

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